Founder’s message
A warm greetings to all .
When I started my Obstetric practice 26 years ago I realised that Hoskote town was lacking in health care infrastructure. The desire to start a dedicated hospital for women’s healthcare materialised after 6 years of hard work and planning.
In 2001 Shreyas maternity Home was established with a clear vision and mission. The ambition was to provide quality health care to women in and around Hoskote with a special focus on pregnant women starting from antenatal care and advice, scientific and hygienic conduct of delivering healthy babies, to wholesome postpartum care including the newborns.
Since then Shreyas has grown in all capacity improving in infrastructure and quality of care. we strive hard to keep up with changing standards of health care. Our patronage is growing up on a huge scale. I can proudly say that Shreyas maternity Home stands tall with a history of 20 years of sincere service. We look forward to serving the women folk earnestly in future.
About Us
best delivery hospital in bangalore
started in 2001, with a service-oriented approach to women’s health, has grown into a 30 bedded fully equipped centre for obstetrics and genecology. Dr. Sudha Benakatti is thebest consultant gynaecologist
who started this maternity home to provide quality health care to women. Quality care for all is our guiding principle.Facilities Available
- obgyn OPD
- Pediatric OPD and Vaccination
- Labour Room
- 3D Ultrasound Scanning
- Operation Theatre
- Neonatal ICU
- Deluxe Wards
- private wards
- general wards
- lab
- pharmacy
- 24/7 obstetric and gynecology emergencies