Maternal health

pregnancy hospital bangalore

At the core of our belief is the right of every woman to have access to safe, easily accessible and affordable services for childbirth. 

We aim to provide our soon-to-be mothers with comprehensive care to ensure a healthy mother and child. We offer multiple services throughout to make your pregnancy and childbirth as seamless as possible. Our state-of-the-art labour room, Modular OT, nursing and post natal care are part of what makes pregnancy and childbirth at Shreyas Maternity Home exceptional.

Regular antenatal appointments are important to:

  • keep an eye on how your baby is growing.
  • pick up some conditions such as pre-eclampsia and urinary tract infections – these might not have any early symptoms that you would notice but routine blood-pressure checks and urine tests can pick up on them, even if you feel fine
  • check the health of your baby through blood tests and ultrasound scans.

Common conditions that need to be evaluated and treated accordingly 

  • Anemia
  • Pre eclampsia
  • Eclampsia
  • Gestational diabetes ( diabetes discovered during pregnancy).
  • Neural tube defects
  • IUGR (decrease in foetus growth)

Shreyas Maternity is one of the best pregnancy hospital Bangalore for all the new parents out there.